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The Ultimate Guide to Selling a Boat Online in NZ

Explore the ultimate guide to selling your boat online in New Zealand, and learn how to navigate the process with ease. Follow our step-by-step guide to help you sell your boat quickly, efficiently, and for the best possible price.


Preparing Your Boat for Sale in NZ


Before listing your boat, make sure it's in excellent condition to attract potential buyers. Clean the interior and exterior thoroughly, and address any maintenance concerns. Consider servicing the boat, examining and repairing the trailer if it's part of the sale, and investing in minor cosmetic upgrades such as repainting or reupholstering to improve the boat's overall appearance. Take high-quality photos to showcase your boat's features and condition, and gather all relevant paperwork, including ownership papers, registration documents, and service records.


Determine a Reasonable Asking Price


Setting a sensible asking price is crucial. Consider factors such as the boat's size, model, age, overall condition, and any additional features or upgrades. Research the market and compare similar boats to determine a competitive price that will appeal to buyers without undervaluing your boat. Keep in mind that buyers might want to negotiate the price, so be prepared for that possibility.


Gather Necessary Information for Your Online Listing


Collect all relevant information potential buyers may want to know, including length, beam, draft, gross weight, model, year, location, equipment included in the sale, recent service history, and notable upgrades or enhancements. Providing comprehensive information can help buyers make informed decisions and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.


Prepare the Necessary Paperwork


Have the required paperwork in order, such as the boat's ownership papers, registration documents, and other relevant records. Gather any warranties, service records, and manuals for your boat and its equipment. These documents can provide added value and peace of mind for potential buyers.


Select the Right Online Platform


Choose the right platform to list your boat for sale, reaching a wide audience of potential buyers. Research and compare boat selling websites and online platforms, considering factors like listing fees, audience reach, and user experience. Popular platforms in New Zealand include Trade Me Boats, Boats Online, and I Like That.


Craft an Engaging Listing


Create an engaging listing that highlights your boat's unique features and selling points. Use clear language, focusing on important information. Include the high-quality photos you took earlier, and mention any unique selling points like recent upgrades or exceptional equipment. Make sure to proofread your listing for any errors before posting.


Post-Sale Steps


Once you've sold your boat, complete the process by providing paperwork such as the Bill of Sale, transfer of ownership documents, and proof of payment. Both parties may also need to fill out relevant forms and agreements. Arrange for a survey and sea trial if necessary, as these steps help verify the boat's condition and ensure a smooth transfer of ownership.


List Your Boat for Sale Online with I Like That


Selling your boat online in New Zealand is easier than ever with I Like That. Our user-friendly platform allows you to quickly create a listing and reach potential buyers. With competitive listing prices and an intuitive interface, you'll be on your way to a successful sale in no time.


Prepare for Inquiries and Inspections


Be prepared to answer questions and provide additional information about your boat as potential buyers contact you. Be honest and transparent when answering questions, building trust and rapport with potential buyers. Make sure to have all relevant documents readily available for reference.


Arrange for Potential Buyer Inspections


When potential buyers express interest in your boat, arrange for inspections and sea trials in a safe and secure manner. Meet in a public place or marina and verify the buyer's identity before showing your boat. Accompany the buyer during any inspections or sea trials to ensure your boat's security and to answer any questions they may have.


Use a Secure Payment Method


Choose a secure payment method to minimise the risk of fraud, such as an escrow service or direct bank transfer. Be cautious of potential scams, and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Never accept personal checks or wire transfers from unknown sources.


Safety Precautions When Selling Your Boat


Take safety precautions when selling your boat to protect both you and the buyer. Verify the buyer's identity, arrange to meet in a public place or marina when showing your boat, and accompany the buyer during any inspections or sea trials. Additionally, consider using a secure payment method to minimise the risk of fraud.




Selling a boat online in NZ involves proper preparation, setting a reasonable asking price, providing comprehensive information, handling necessary paperwork, and utilising reliable online platforms. By following these steps and leveraging platforms like I Like That, you can sell your boat quickly and efficiently, reaching a wide audience of potential buyers.

Trust the power of the online marketplace and rely on I Like That to help you sell your boat in New Zealand. With our expertise and support, you'll be well-equipped to find the right buyer and secure the best deal for your boat.


Frequently Asked Questions

To further assist you in selling your boat online in NZ, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions that may arise during the process.


Q: How long does it usually take to sell a boat in NZ?


A: The time it takes to sell a boat can vary greatly depending on factors such as the boat's condition, location, asking price, and the overall market demand. A well-prepared boat with a reasonable asking price is more likely to sell quickly, often within a few weeks to a couple of months.


Q: Is it better to sell my boat privately or through a broker?


A: Both private sales and working with a broker have their advantages and drawbacks. Selling your boat privately can save you commission fees, but it requires more effort and time on your part. A broker, on the other hand, can handle many aspects of the sales process, such as marketing, negotiations, and paperwork, but will charge a commission for their services. Consider your specific situation and weigh the pros and cons of each option before deciding which is best for you.


Q: How can I ensure my boat listing gets maximum exposure?


A: To increase the visibility of your boat listing, consider using popular boat sales websites, social media platforms, and online forums for promotion. Make sure your listing is well-structured and easy to read, with high-quality photos and comprehensive information about your boat. Additionally, promoting your listing through multiple channels can help you reach a broader audience of potential buyers.


Additional Resources


To further enhance your boat selling experience, consider utilising additional resources, such as:

  1. Boat valuation tools: These tools can help you determine the approximate value of your boat based on factors like model, age, and condition, assisting you in setting a fair asking price.

  2. Online boat forums and communities: Engaging with fellow boat enthusiasts in these communities can provide valuable insights and tips for selling your boat.

  3. Professional marine surveyors: A pre-sale survey by a professional marine surveyor can help identify any issues that may impact your boat's value, giving you the opportunity to address them before listing your boat for sale.

By leveraging these resources and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully sell your boat online in NZ, find the right buyer, and secure the best deal for your vessel. Trust I Like That to help you navigate the boat selling process and embrace the power of the online marketplace.